Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) Gifted Education Program provides qualitatively different programs designed to meet the needs of gifted students. Gifted students are defined as those who have superior intellectual development and are capable of high performance. Students who meet the State eligibility criteria are provided with a range of gifted service delivery options (K-12) to meet each student’s special needs. Instructional programs for gifted students emphasize acceleration and enrichment based on students' strengths. The Gifted Education Program offers a differentiated curriculum based on content, concepts, processes, and applications through products/projects in language arts, mathematics, science and/or social studies. Such a differentiated curriculum provides for in-depth consideration of topics and concepts beyond the requirements of regular courses, and therefore, is designated as an academically accelerated program. Currently, over 39,000 students in Miami-Dade County participate in the gifted program and all traditional public schools provide services to gifted students.